What is the goal of a sample test in the automotive industry?
The tests enable us to identify weak points in seats, dashboards, headlights and other components in time. Both passive and active safety features must comply with applicable safety standards. This increases safety for drivers, passengers and other road users, ensures quality and avoids recalls.
Before these and similar vehicle components can be installed, PAConsult tests them in an accredited test laboratory in accordance with international standards as well as established OEM standards.
Sample tests are an essential step in the approval process for vehicle models and their components.
How is the most fitting test method selected?
We subject all components to the required tests on appropriate test facilities until they meet the highest safety and quality standards. To define a test, let us know your requirements. We then carry out each test in close consultation with you.
PAConsult then supports the approval process from prototype development to the production process. To ensure that we can guarantee the high-quality standards of car manufacturers and their suppliers, our experts are constantly developing and improving the test methods.
Test Methods:
- Vibration and Shock Test
- Temperature and Climate Test
- Solar Radiation
- Fluid Susceptibility
- Corrosion Test, salt spray test (NSS-Test)
- IP Test
- International Standards
- Common OEM Standards
- Standards according to customer specifications
Accreditations of our Test Laboratories
Accredited test laboratory PAConsult
Experience & Expertise
Test Methods